Monday, March 1, 2010

New Construction Seduction

I have been talking about New Construction Seduction for years. I actually just googled the phrase to see if anyone else was using it. I am pleased to say I may be the inventor of this term!

But what is New Construction Seduction you ask?

New Construction Seduction is when home shoppers become so in love with the process of purchasing a new home that they completely overlook the the number 1 rule of real estate..........LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION.

How else can you explain people purchasing new homes that are next to a water tower, facing the back of the Home Depot or in the shadow of that mini, fenced-in utility station, etc.

People seem to get so caught up in choosing carpet, cabinets and fixtures as well as the builder incentives of "free" upgrades, that they neglect to consider the inevitable....a resale nightmare! I see it time and time again, the "flaw" that the new buyer is willing to look past is usually the largest hurdle when they try to sell. Imagine the home being 6, 7 or 8 years old........all that new stuff is now used stuff and one thing remains the same.........that lovely view of the water tower, home depot, utility station.

Always remember, you can change anything about a home except it's location!

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